Duplicate Cleaner 5 Manual.
  • Scanning tab

Scanning tab



The scanning tab displays an overview of the scan criteria and search locations you have chosen, along with feedback on the current scan in progress.
When a scan is complete the results are displayed on the right hand side.

Starting the scan

The Start Scan button begins the scan using the current settings and criteria displayed above the button.  You can hover the mouse over the drives listed to see the folder detail.

Pausing the scan

Click the pause button to temporarily pause the scan and release computer and disk drive resources.  All processing will stop (though there may be a delay if the program is processing a large file).  The scan in pause state cannot be saved and you won't be able to exit the program until the scan is completed or cancelled.

Canceling the scan

The Cancel scan button will tell Duplicate Cleaner that you want to cancel the current scan.  Depending on your scan there may be a delay in canceling if the program is in the middle of processing a large file.

Scanning feedback

The time taken is displayed in the right hand pane, along with the current processes being performed. 

Graphs and stats

A breakdown of file types in the scan is displayed in real-time.  After the scan is complete a graph of duplicate vs non-duplicate files is displayed.