Feedback on several probs + DIFFICULTY of GIVING feedback

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Feedback on several probs + DIFFICULTY of GIVING feedback

Post by Tim-Oz »

First of all, re the method of allowing users to leave feedback:

1. Forcing your own customers and potential customers to have to join a forum to give FEEDBACK (as distinct from SUPPORT) is
- rude
- a RECIPE FOR FEWER CONVERSIONS from trial to sale and for
- leaving instead bad reviews on sites like ProductReview, which are worth joining because you can leave feedback on more than one product.
Seriously, it's 2020: please provide a FEEDBACK mechanism within the app where you just have to hit two buttons!
THE DEVELOPER is the one who benefits from feedback the MOST - fixing problems will make YOU MORE MONEY via conversions and avoiding bad reviews.
Why make people jump through hoops? We are all time-starved!

2. You should know that for every post on here,
- there are probably hundreds of users with the same problem that can't be bothered joining a forum JUST to leave feedback on ONE product
- there are probably dozens of problems you will NEVER HEAR ABOUT that are losing you sales-conversions, and goodwill from existing PAID CUSTOMERS. So don't assume you know the problems that are turning people off your app - I guarantee you: you don't.
(Experiment with an in-app feedback mechanism and you will confirm that!)

3. My actual complaints are about the user interface:

a) I don't like the new method of ordering-by-folder. It's confusing. I want the results of order-by-folder to enable me to me a simple list of all the items that are in ONE FOLDER like the app used to do. Not a MIXED list that shows the items in one folder AND another folder.
In the past I could simply DELETE a bunch of files if they knew they were in a specific folder. Now it's really confusing. I don't even understand what I'm seeing!
Please provide the OPTION to show this list the old way.
You have REDUCED the USEFULNESS of the app for me and made it harder.

b) Small but REALLY ANNOYING. That information bubble that pops up keeps getting in the way of me seeing the name, folder and group! Please allow me to GET RID OF IT !

c) I remember it being difficult even in the Xp version to RE-ORDER the columns and KEEP that order.
Plus: Its beyond me why you now put the GROUPS columns away from the left side.

d) All in all I frankly greatly dislike the whole workflow of the interface after XP. And FWIW it's ugly.

TBH, if you restored the interface and workflow to the early Xp version 3.0.0 (but with the current feature set) I would prefer it alot better.
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Re: Feedback on several probs + DIFFICULTY of GIVING feedback

Post by Callistemon »

It is possible to submit a Feature Request at []. I have submitted in-app feedback for competing software, but those alternatives are not superior with feedback. No other software companies have even come close to fixing issues as quickly as DigitalVolcano or implementing features with as few requests. Even though it requires less effort to submit in-app feedback, if the issues are not fixed, it is still a larger waste of time than creating a forum account and having issues actually fixed. Therefore, DigitalVolcano is still ahead overall. XP is a Windows version, not a Duplicate Cleaner version. Duplicate Cleaner 3 can run on newer Windows versions as well.
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Re: Feedback on several probs + DIFFICULTY of GIVING feedback

Post by DigitalVolcano »

) I don't like the new method of ordering-by-folder. It's confusing. I want the results of order-by-folder to enable me to me a simple list of all the items that are in ONE FOLDER like the app used to do. Not a MIXED list that shows the items in one folder AND another folder.
In the past I could simply DELETE a bunch of files if they knew they were in a specific folder. Now it's really confusing. I don't even understand what I'm seeing!
Not sure what you mean here - the groups naturally contain other folders. Are you talking about sorting the groups?
That information bubble that pops up keeps getting in the way of me seeing the name, folder and group!
Are you referring to version 4.x? You can turn this off in the options.
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Re: Feedback on several probs + DIFFICULTY of GIVING feedback

Post by therube »

1. I disagree entirely.

IMO, the only place one should look for support is on a proper forum, like this, on the owners website.
[Or at least a specific "place" that has a forum dedicated to support a particular product.

Untold number of programs that I gave up on, early - simply because of their "support" (or lack there) was hosted on some "crap" site (or not at all); like Waterfox & reddit or even Firefox Support (I place I would never belong to). [Thankfully, mozillaZine still exists.]
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