The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Post by ghosthardware »


At first not really bug but a huge annoyance you introduced in version 4.
The checkbox to remove "orphan groups" (or how it was called) is gone. Now, when I press "create hardlinks" after hardlinks are created all files stay in list! But it another files already! And why keep them at all. It makes further working with list impossible and I have top wait another hour to rescan everything. That's just gross.. Please bring that checkbox back.

Now, on to the bug:
If I have files with read-only attribute, hardlinking them is impossible with error "access denied". What is even worse, when read-only attribute is manually removed and "create hardlinks" button is pressed again, another error pops: "can't create hardlink" or smth like that. It happens because application had created files like "dctemp__*" and for whatever god damn reason can't manipulate its own temp files. So manual removal of them is needed and fixes a problem (btw those files are never removed by application, so ironically instead of helping to remove duplicates it spawns duplicates itself).
So suggestions on fixing this are as such:
- add radio-button group to either ignore read-only attribute and process files as usual, or skip them and drop them from duplicate list
- or if you are not want to fix this by adding functionality, at least fix the bug with application unable to work with its own "dctemp__*" (obviously, they just must be removed if they interfere with normal workings)
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Post by DigitalVolcano »

The 'remove orphan' option is still there - it's called 'Automatically hide single file groups' in the Options drop down menu. The reason the file list isn't changing is that hardlinking doesn't remove the hardlinked files from the duplicate list, as they are still there and still technically duplicate. You can however drop them manually after the hardlinking operation by right-clicking on the list and selecting 'Drop marked from list'.

Thanks for the report - I'll see if I can get the way hardlinking handles readonly files improved.
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Post by B00ze »

Good day.
DigitalVolcano wrote:The 'remove orphan' option is still there - it's called 'Automatically hide single file groups' in the Options drop down menu. The reason the file list isn't changing is that hardlinking doesn't remove the hardlinked files from the duplicate list, as they are still there and still technically duplicate. You can however drop them manually after the hardlinking operation by right-clicking on the list and selecting 'Drop marked from list'.
First, the option "Automatically hide single file groups" should never be there, how can there be a GROUP of DUPLICATES with a single file inside? It just makes no sense. And I agree with the OP, once we hard-link a bunch of files, their entries in the list should go away, especially if the option "Exclude Hard-Linked Files from list" is selected (I think they should be removed from the list as soon as they are hard-linked regardless of that option, but if you want to be "difficult," lol, then remember that option).

Thank you.
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Post by DigitalVolcano »

B00ze wrote:First, the option "Automatically hide single file groups" should never be there, how can there be a GROUP of DUPLICATES with a single file inside? It just makes no sense.
That's why the option exists - it hides the groups that end up having one file in because you've removed the other files in the group.
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Post by B00ze »

Good day.
That's why the option exists - it hides the groups that end up having one file in because you've removed the other files in the group.
I see. Then I suggest Hard Linking files should remove one of the duplicates, and then the whole group would disappear if the "'Automatically hide single file groups" was enabled and the group only had 2 members. This should happen *especially* when the user chooses the option "Exclude Hard-Linked Files from list."

You have a great product - hey I bought it and I am very difficult in software - but there are many little tweaks to do to make it perfect. I think it's the best of the duplicates searchers/managers out there, but I would definitively like to see sorting "fixed" and hardLinked/SymbolicLinked files disappear from the list once I've linked them - right now I have to manually tell it to remove all checked files after the link operation.

Keep up the good work.
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Post by Axolotl »

This bug is here for a long time. It was in version 3 and it still in version 4.
When you scan for a duplicate pictures and then trying to manually check them if they are really duplicates with a preview window open. After some time of such scrolling down (with "down" key) program starts to slow down terrifically. First it starts to "cache" your pressing the "down" key (i mean when you press a key for a many times then you no more press it but software still continnues to scroll down for some time) and then it just starts to do everything very slow. And the more you scroll down, more slower it becomes. After restarting the program it becomes normal again. It is hard to say what exactly it depends, because sometime this happens after scrolling just 200 groups of duplicates and sometimes after more than a thousand. So maybe it not just scrolling down, maybe it is becasue i sometimes "unmark" something or start to scroll up and down again. Sorry for my english.
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Post by DigitalVolcano »

Axolotl wrote:This bug is here for a long time. It was in version 3 and it still in version 4.
When you scan for a duplicate pictures and then trying to manually check them if they are really duplicates with a preview window open. After some time of such scrolling down (with "down" key) program starts to slow down terrifically.
It sounds like the preview window is trying to load thumbnails for each group as you scroll down the list, and is firing off too many request threads (which will then run in the background). I'll log a bug and see if we get this improved.
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Post by Axolotl »

One more strange thing. Not sure if it is BUG or not.
Let's say we have two folders. One have something like 500 000 picture and other have just 10 000. Both of them set "NOT scan against itself".
When I start a scan it shows progress with total number of files and already scanned ones like it really does it one by one. BUT for the first about 5-10% of a total progress it finds 99,99% of all the duplicates. And all the rest of time (hours of time) it finds just a few more files or even finds nothing more. Is it a bug?

P.S. Not sure if the same thing happen or not when you scan one very big folder against itself.
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Post by dbague »

B00ze wrote:
hardLinked/SymbolicLinked files disappear from the list once I've linked them - right now I have to manually tell it to remove all checked files after the link operation.
Best Regards,
I would like to start a new thread with this topic. It seems buried and i am not clear whether digital volcano considers this a bug.

in version 3 this was not happening.

Once hardlinked (and hide hardlinked files was checked in criteria), the duplicate file list was updated, i'm pretty sure.

should i start such a topic?
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Post by DigitalVolcano »

It's not a bug, just a change as of version 4.0. It seemed more logical not to hide the hard linked files from the list as they hadn't actually been removed.

That said, if people aren't happy with this a good solution might be to add a checkbox option next to the hardlink button allowing the user to request the hardlinked files are dropped from the list after processing.
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