Can I manually create a .dcvitual file?

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Can I manually create a .dcvitual file?

Post by wwcanoer »

One of my 1.5 TB source drives and one 5 TB backup drive are failing and can only be partially read.

I have a full directory listing, including MD5, created by WinCatalog in June 2022. I can export a csv file from WinCatalog. I would love to be able to convert that into a virtual folder (.dcvirtual file) so that I could determine if I have any unique files on those drives. If there's no unique files, then I'm done, no need to recover anything from these drives. If I can't confirm that, then it will take significant work to determine if I have anything unique on them that's worth trying to recover.

(I should have a second copy of the source drive files but last year I had been deduplicating and re-arranging the files, so I can't easily verify that I do. And I could have some things on the 5TB backup that never got backed up to a second drive.)
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Re: Can I manually create a .dcvitual file?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

The dcvirtual files are just SQLite databases like the scan files. It's probably possible to convert a CSV to an SQLite db in the correct format but might take a bit a hacking around. (e.g. using excel to create SQLite queries for each line of the file you want to import).
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