Any Way To Ignore Specific Group Results?

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Any Way To Ignore Specific Group Results?

Post by Soeroah »

Sorry, this is a bit of a weird and kinda complicated question, but I was hoping there was a way to tell the scan not to show me files that result in a certain group unless there's a new file within that group that triggers the duplicate scan?

For example: say I have three pictures, each slightly different. I have my settings to scan files with a 95% or higher similarity. This results in the same three files being grouped together every time I run a scan, as they're very similar, but not identical. I'd like to have those three files not show up together in scan results unless I somehow get a fourth file that would be included in that group.

I see there's an ignore list, but from what I'm reading it sounds like it just ignores that file completely for scanning purposes? I'd still like to be able to check new pictures against these three existing ones, I just don't want these three to be shown as duplicate results every time I run a scan unless there's a new file that gets pinged as a duplicate.

Is there a way to do that?

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Re: Any Way To Ignore Specific Group Results?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Currently you can't do this - the Ignore list excludes the file/folder completely rather than just excluding a specific match.
Something for a future version.
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