Small UI Enhancements : progress bars for long operations

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Small UI Enhancements : progress bars for long operations

Post by abobymous »

A. The last step in a scan is to save the hashes to cache. There is currently an indeterminate progress bar but for large scans this can take a long time. Can this be changed to a determinate progress bar and be updated regularly as the saving operations take place?

B. When using "Refresh (F5)" on both the Duplicate Files tab and the Duplicate Folders tab, this can take quite a long time. But there is no progress indicator. Windows just marks the window as "Not Responding." Can there be a (determinate) progress indicator added to these tabs for long running operations such as Refresh?

C. Delete Empty Folders : Show the folders in the list as the scanner finds them, or show a counter of found empty folders during the scan. On large drives or NAS systems, searching can take a long time before indicating a bunch or only a few empty folders were found.

D. When viewing the Duplicate Files tab that includes files from Virtual Folders, can they be marked as "Protected?" They are of course protected with an error message if an attempt is made to delete them, but the visual cue would be a nice enhancement.

Thank you for the consideration!
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Re: Small UI Enhancements : progress bars for long operations

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Updates for v5.18-

Progress bars/counters are now in place for B and C

With D, you can set the virtual folder(s) to display as Protected before the scan by clicking the button the 'Folders to search' list.
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Re: Small UI Enhancements : progress bars for long operations

Post by abobymous »

Thank you for the quick response! Nice to know the application is still under active development.
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Re: Small UI Enhancements : progress bars for long operations

Post by mjdalways »

Any chance of progress bars for the cache saving, even better some performance improvements, it can be the slowest part of the whole process,
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