Suggestions: order, sizing, hiding, hiding, hashes

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Suggestions: order, sizing, hiding, hiding, hashes

Post by therube »

Duplicate File list columns
  • it would be nice to be able to re-arrange the & have the ordering persist
Scan Location
  • Folder name
    - it would be nice to have the column sizing (width) persist
    (&/or automatically fit-to-width &/or have a 'ftw' [with constraints] button)

    Available folders
    - being able to hide the folder list - entirely would be nice
    (as it is i rarely use folder "trees", much less "special folders"; my pictures,
    my videos,... - at all, so it being there is simply a waste - for me)
    (you might then need to do something with 'Show Hidden' & 'Virtual Folders')
  • cannot Preview .flv (& probably some other "ordinary" video extensions; .mkv)
    (at least on Win7)
    - if you're using a library, it is lame. if you're relying on Windows, heh,
    Windows is lame. any "real" player can handle "all" video formats "internally".
    ffmpeg is already there. so what's wrong with ffplay.exe (or...)
    (yes "7" is obsolete, but that's not the point. well, imho ;-).)
    - the only "real" lame is, well, LAME ;-)
Size (column format)
  • should be configurable; bytes; KB; MB; GB... auto
    - as it is now; 1.64 MB, 648 KB, 63.5 MB, 39.0 MB... it simply does not "read" well
    (especially considering the colum in not right aligned)
    - if it read; 1.64 MB, .65 MB, 63.50 MB, 39.00 MB... it starts to be more logical
Show results of last scan on startup
  • if that is unchecked, maybe on Exit, automatically save the last scan such that you
    can still recall it - after the fact. this would also allow a speedier startup
    while at the same time the ability to load the last scan (prior to the last Exit)
Calculated hashes
  • perhaps some sort of export utility for that?
    perhaps as "simple" as 'hash path/name'

    97841add78c22918 out - Copy.mkv
    97841add78c22918 out.mkv

    97841add78c22918 x:/back/out - Copy.mkv
    97841add78c22918 c:/y/out.mkv

    might be some benefit in that?
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Re: Suggestions: order, sizing, hiding, hiding, hashes

Post by therube »


cannot Preview .flv (& probably some other "ordinary" video extensions; .mkv)
(at least on Win7)
This is actually (probably most related to) the setting of:

(Windows) Folder Options | View -> Always show icons, never thumbnails

If checked, thumbails will not display (in DC).
If unchecked, they do.

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