remove Apple iCloud photo duplicates

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remove Apple iCloud photo duplicates

Post by tmilowski »

I purchased the PRO version and it works brilliantly on all local files. Thank You!

Unfortunately it seems like there is a problem with removing duplicates from "iCloud Photos" library. The duplicates are correctly identified, however, the actual removal, move or rename errors out with "operation not supported by the cloud sync provider". This is probably not really related to the "Duplicate Cleaner" software but I was hoping someone has a good suggestions how to solve the problem.
And BTW, I saw suggestions of opening the iCloud library and "downloading" photos manually. This may be a solution but in my case I'm looking at 20.000+ photos to be downloaded. I would hate to do it especially that this will really not clear the source of the photos just local copies.

Thanks for any ideas, Tomek