ZIP'd ZIP not treated as a ZIP but rather a folder

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ZIP'd ZIP not treated as a ZIP but rather a folder

Post by therube »

(When Scan in ZIP is enabled...)

A ZIP'd ZIP is not treated as a ZIP (file) but rather a folder (ZIP)?
Wow, that's confusing. [And I'm thinking now, incorrect, as stated.]
A ZIP'd ZIP is treated as a (file), but then is compared against a ZIP (folder) which is its duplicate.
Wow, that's confusing.

Let's try another way...

You have a folder of "files", including some ZIP files.
Some of the ZIP files include some of the ZIP files found in the folder.
Hmm... not getting any easier...

End result is that the ZIP'd ZIP files remain, in the ZIP, even if there are duplicates of those files in a particular folder.

IOW, ZIP'd ZIP files within a ZIP, will not delete against a the same ZIP file not in the ZIP'd ZIP.
Now this is borderline crazy...

--- is a zip of the /zipfiles/ directory, is identical except that itself is not in
/zipfiles/, directory, as it happens, contains other files that happen to be "zip files".

Because ZIP files are being treated as folders - that is, zip files within the /zipfiles/ directory - not the ZIP'd ZIP files within,
the ZIP'd ZIP, files (which are treated as files), will not compare against the zip files within the /zipfiles/ directory, (which are treated as folders), & so cannot be removed from the ZIP file (, in this case), nor from the /zipfiles/ directory - even though the files (if they were treated as files, rather then zip folders, are identical).

That scenario, is one that I'd think I'd think to be somewhat typical?

As it is, you would have to (manually) decompress the ZIP file ( in this case), which would extract other files (including some zip files), which could then be compared, & found as duplicates (assuming you had disabled the Scan in a ZIP feature).

Image (on the right) is a backup of /zipfiles/ (on the left)
the two are identical - except for itself.

files, as in non-zip files, are treated the same way, so you can easily delete files (that are not zip's) from within (in DC)

"files", that are zip's, that are within (say "listlinks_06 (uwe).zip", within the zip) are treated as files,
where the same "file", listlinks_06 (uwe).zip, within /zipfiles/ directory is treated as a "folder",
so (uwe).zip, as a file, will not compare against /zipfiles/listlinks_06 (uwe).zip (as a file, though DC happens to be treating it as a folder) even though the two are identical,
so out.zizp:/listlinks_06 (uwe).zip will remain in
(more generally all ZIP files will remain within, so would have to be manually extracted to a separate directory, & then compared, while deselecting the option to treat ZIP as folders)

(Not really looking for an answer, but rather stating the situation, as I understand it, as I happened to run into it.)