Can Duplicate Cleaner automate getting rid of duplicates?

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Can Duplicate Cleaner automate getting rid of duplicates?

Post by boardtc »

I have an old backup drive that has backups on it of my old machine from using cobain Backup. There are other folders on it that were copied from previous machines too I think. Lots of text documents, photos, Music. I would like to delete all and have one copy of everything to sort through.

I ran dupeGuru on it and it found 40,000 duplicates, I didn't know where to start so have done nothing! Previously I have tried to use SyncToy to compare some of the backup directories but it would still a big list of stuff to go through.

I'd like something which said something most of these directories are the same, would you like to merge the content and delete the duplicates without me having to check everything. I just want one copy of all.

I would appreciate any advice. I have not downloaded Duplicate Cleaner, can it do this job for me?