Upper Limit to scan results?

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Upper Limit to scan results?

Post by godprobe »

Hi, just ran Duplicate Cleaner and decided... what the hell... and ran it on all three of my disk drives -- a total of 1,200,000+ files, according to DC. Took about 24 hours (probably less), but it finally finished.

However, it's been sitting on the results page for a while now in the generic Windows "Not Responding" state. I'm just wondering if I should let it be and eventually it'll pick up the phone or if I should force it to exit and start again with a smaller scope?

Thank you!
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Post by godprobe »

Nevermind, it just came around!
Pretty darn quick, considering the size of the list! (~330,000 "duplicates").

Thanks again!
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Post by godprobe »

And the results page also states "Total Time Taken: 13:22:17"! ...so significantly less than the around 24 hours that I quickly guessed. 2TB of data. :)
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Post by Fool4UAnyway »

You may start with a smaller set next time you try a piece of software. You can always work through and add more later.

A smaller set will give you an impression of how fast a program will be or how long it may take.

Would be hard to find out you have been waiting for a day and you cannot work with the results or you did not scan exactly what you wanted.
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Post by godprobe »

indeed, but I kind of enjoy torturing my computer...


in any case, I'm pretty happy with the results! :D
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