feature request

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:25 am

feature request

Post by itworker7 »

Currently using Duplicate Cleaner Pro 4.0.5 . As a semi-pro Photographer I take a lot of pictures. When trying to consolidate them
I've run into a tricky issue which would be great if Duplicate Cleaner could solve. DSLR cameras like most digital cameras use a counter
and each photo gets a sequential number as it is taken. When the number reaches a limit, like 9999 it begins again at 0001 or more
specifically at IMG_0001 as I shoot with Canon. This means I have photo's which Duplicate Cleaner has correctly identified as being different
but with the same name. I would like to consolidate the names as well and so it would be fantastic if there was a renumbering function,
say with a pattern matching meta-character capability. Then IMG_0320.CR2 from 2003 could be distinguished from IMG_0320.CR2 from 2012 .
What I envision is selection assistant where I could specify by say, newer or older and then indicate a pattern to insert in the filename of the
selected files like _YYYY_ or some such. BTW, as an additional insight, I can have more than 2 files with the same name - in fact I have
(4) IMG_0320.CR2 files as well as .jpg and .jpeg variations.

Awesome product, really better than anything I have on the MAC. (would be nice to see a version running under OSX - HintHint!)
