Scan indicates that there are no duplicate files

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Scan indicates that there are no duplicate files

Post by mhp10 »

I am using the trial version of Pro. I scanned some of my folders for duplicate files, using all of the default settings except changing the search criteria to find files with the same name and 80% similar content. I scanned over 100,000 files, but when the dialogue box for finding the duplicates appeared, it indicated that 1 file was scanned and there were no duplicates. The hand at the bottom of the box went from "stop" to "close" so I assume the sweep for duplicates was finished.

I closed the program, reopened it and scanned again, but no luck. I fiddled with some of the settings and rescanned after each setting change, but still no luck. I am afraid to uninstall and reinstall the software because I am using the trial version and probably would not be able to install it again, but I don't want to buy the real thing just to uninstall and reinstall the software to find out if it works.

Thanks for any ideas/suggestions.
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Re: Scan indicates that there are no duplicate files

Post by DigitalVolcano »

It sounds like you may have some other criteria enabled which is stopping it from identifying many files. You can turn on logging (More Options, Log events to file) and paste the log here - that might give a clue as to the problem.
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