Exception Error Message When Copying File or Folder Name

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Edson Luiz Branco
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Exception Error Message When Copying File or Folder Name

Post by Edson Luiz Branco »

Every time I use the 'Copy Location/File Name to Clipboard' feature for any of the 3 options (folder = CTRL+F6, file = SHIFT+F6, or both = F6), the following unwanted message box appears:
Duplicate Cleaner 5

Error copying file name: OpenClipboard failed (HRESULT exception: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))
Despite the annoyance of the message and having to click OK button, the name is correctly copied to the Clipboard.
Any solutions?

Duplicate Cleaner Version 5.21.2
Language: Portuguese/Brazil
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Re: Exception Error Message When Copying File or Folder Name

Post by DigitalVolcano »

It looks like there is a Windows issue where the Clipboard can sometime be locked by another process. I'll see if can get this fixed for the next update.
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Re: Exception Error Message When Copying File or Folder Name

Post by therube »

(Just confirming the issue, as I've seen it too.

Code: Select all

Error copying file name: OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))
that's in group/detail view
detail view & thumb view, look to work
actually, you may hit the error elsewhere too, & /sometimes/ it does work in group/detail view)
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