Can I split up a file tree by file type?

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Can I split up a file tree by file type?

Post by rickyeo »

Over time I have collected photos and videos in a single directory structure like c:\media\year\month

WIthin the month directory, I have a mix of photos and videos

I'd like to split out my video files into separate directories like c:\video\year\month.

In this way I'd have all my photos under c:\media and my videos under c:\video

Is this doable with the current version? I've thought about duplicating my entire collection into a c:\media2 directory, deduplicating all the videos preserving the media2 directory, then deduplicating the photos preserving the c:\media directory.

Is there any other way?

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Re: Can I split up a file tree by file type?

Post by therube »

I wouldn't think that a duplicate file finder would be an appropriate tool.

That said, if you...

Regular mode
- only select Same file size, & set a 99999 MB size Tolerance

Then under Search filters
- uncheck All file extensions, & set an Included list of your video file extensions (or select the Preset)

With that, a scan should simply find "all files" (matching your Filter).
While these files are not "duplicates" - in the normal sense, they are duplicates in the sense that they are duplicates based on your Same size criteria (with "same" in this case being between 0 bytes & 99999 MB of "sameness").

Select (Mark) all of the files found.

After that, hmm... ?

On the File removal tab
- select, Move or copy files, Move or copy to a folder: c:\video\, & Create subfolders (of which there are two options to choose from, there)

Something like that might work - I have not tried it.

Set up a few sample test cases & experiment - safely, & see how it might turn out, if it might accomplish what you're after?
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