DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does not Find

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DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does not Find

Post by therube »

DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does not Find
- in Image Mode, Thumbnails view.

Win7 x64, Windows "Aero" is not enabled, should that matter.
Duplicate Cleaner 5.20.

DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does not Find
- in Show Column View, sometimes.

DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does Find
- in Details view, but is not particularly "efficient".

At first (& starting with Thumbnails view) I thought, Find simply was not finding.
Or "if" finding, it was only working on a whole word basis (i.e. "file" would find "file", but not "file1" nor "file.txt").
Later came to realize, It was "finding", but not advancing to the found item, so essentially, not finding.

As it is (aside from the not advancing part) "Find" finds (only) the first instance of the search term.
"Find Next" will find subsequent instances of the search term.
Lacking, is a way to Find Previous (which would be nice).
(Likewise, "typical" hotkeys, like F3, which could be both Find & Find Next, & Shift+F3, Find Previous.)

As a work-around, you might think that Finding in Details mode, then switching to Thumbnails mode would then focus on the wanted item, but it does not.

Find in Show Column View, "mostly" works, but usually, at some point as you Find Next down a list of files, that "next" found file - is not focused. With that you might think that not focused file is 1 page up or 1 page down, but that too does not hold true. So at that point, you have no idea where the "found" file is to be found. So in Show Column View, Find only works, sometimes.
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Re: DuplicateCleaner, Find in List - does not Find

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Thanks for the feedback
In thumb view, scrolling to found files is broken a can't be fixed currently (will remove option). However, 'use as filter' does work well here (as in the other modes).
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