Bug Report: ERROR writing Data table to SQL if multiple instances are open

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Bug Report: ERROR writing Data table to SQL if multiple instances are open

Post by visusys »

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This only happens if multiple instances of Duplicate Cleaner 5 are open. It won't delete and the program errors out until you close it. The bug is a little sporadic, but it shouldn't be too hard to reproduce.

Just open multiple (5-6) instances and have each instance scan separate folders. Then select the delete tab, or the Duplicate Folders tab, and you will likely get the error.
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Re: Bug Report: ERROR writing Data table to SQL if multiple instances are open

Post by therube »

(Without knowing) my first thought is that it would be that it deals with (hash) caching?
You might try disabling that & see if you can still duplicate the issue?

If it is that, then maybe try disabling hash caching in all except 1 instance?
Or leaving hash caching enabled, but use different hash methods for each instance.

(Or I could be totally wrong here, ;-).)
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Re: Bug Report: ERROR writing Data table to SQL if multiple instances are open

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Multiple instances of DC5 aren't recommended - the scan files are separate but it does use the same setting database which may lead to problems. (There is a warning). Something to look at in an update.
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