Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

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Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

Post by Callistemon »

I know this is getting quite excessive to ask, but I have 4 instances running, and have some paused to increase the rate of others. When multiple scans are running, it pulls the actuator arm in multiple directions at once and slows the overall speed. Some of the instances are only scanning one of the disks, while some are scanning both disks. One of the scans is paused because another instance is scanning the first disk, but it is also scanning a second disk that is to itself. The second disk may be the busier one next time around, so only pausing one disk at a time could compact the time required to finish all scans. Alternatively, there could be an option to "resume scanning in another instance upon completion" or an option to "resume the scan when other instances finish scanning" in the Scanning tab.
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Re: Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

Post by wwcanoer »

Do you have 4 instances scanning the same 2 disks?
Does that improve the speed? I assumed that the slowest part was reading the drives, so that would not help. I haven't watched how much CPU the program uses.
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Re: Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

Post by Callistemon »

That might increase the CPU usage in theory, but running multiple scans on the same HDDs at once will increase turbulence of the actuator and reduce disk efficiency. If it's an SSD, the flash storage won't be nearly as much affected by reading multiple different areas at once, but in the case of M.2 stick SSDs, the SSD controller will overheat and throttle more. Normally even a powerful AMD Ryzen 7 5700U is only used lightly while the HDDs are only partially used as well.
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Re: Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

Post by Callistemon »

I wasn't looking at the original context. Now that I think about it again, some scans were being paused to improve disk performance, but the scans being paused can also include a disk that isn't being used by another instance, so I wanted to be able to only pause scanning from disks that other instances are also scanning, by choosing which disks to pause.
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Re: Pause only one disk while continuing to scan the other disk

Post by therube »

I'll just note...

FastCopy, by default, when using the same disk, pauses any other instance that wants to use the same.
(You can override it if you want.)

Altap Salamander, by default, queues multiple (sets of) copy operations until the prior set(s) have completed.
Also giving you the ability to pause/restart... at will. ... ration.png

FastCopy is aware of "disks", so different disk copies can run in parallel, while same disk operations are queued (again with override capability).
Salamander, that guy behind the keyboard is responsible for knowing.
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