Find unique files

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Find unique files

Post by JMac40 »

I have two top directories with different sets of sub-directories. Both should contain the same set of mp3 and mp4 files, just located in different sub-directories under each top directory. Can I use duplicate cleaner pro to find any files that are not duplicated? If not, is there an other way to do this?
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:15 am

Re: Find unique files

Post by Callistemon »

Yes, absolutely. That's one of the greatest advantages of Duplicate Cleaner over alternative software. Although a few competitors have unique scanning, those have no option but to list all files not duplicated within each folder on the list. With Duplicate Cleaner, you can find files not duplicated between all folders added to the list.

Add both top directories to the scan list, set each to External Only + Master under Find duplicates, and switch Show remaining/unique files to Yes.

If the folders are set to External Only without Master, files will not list as unique if there are more than 1 copy in all folders combined, even all copies are in the same folder. External Only + Master ensures there is at least one copy in every directory added to the list. Files not duplicated within each added directory are considered unique if Show remaining/unique files is set to No.
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