Optimalization and possibility to pre-hash?

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Optimalization and possibility to pre-hash?

Post by Keya »

I'm not sure if this is normal, but my SSD with a few hundred GB took about 5.50 hours to fully scan.
Are some settings absolutely ruining search time?
After that, it came to my understanding that only duplicates get hashed, so the rest needs to be re-scanned every single time?

I was wondering if it's possible to pre-hash files on a drive, or if that's insane talk.
I have about 35 TB in my house, but a large portion I will not be able to access till somewhere in the future.
My idea here: pre-hash the files on the drives I got right now and compare it to the other drives later.
But again, this sounds something that would ruin drives or an impossible task maybe?

Also if I start a scan it get straight to: "x file(s) scanned in x folders (78.5 GB)
Why this 78 GB?

Thanks in advance!
(oh and I get the pro version)
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Re: Optimalization and possibility to pre-hash?

Post by Callistemon »

Searching and discovering files is a basic first step that occurs at the beginning of each scan. Only the hashes of duplicate files are saved. There is no need to save hashes of files that are not duplicates, as other parameters rule out non-duplicate files before hashes. In the event that another file becomes a duplicate, it will be discovered in the beginning stage, and then hashed. No, heavy usage should not ruin HDDs (except for Seagate before 2018 or Western Digital after 2020), and heavy reading should not ruin SSDs as long as writing isn't excessive.
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Re: Optimalization and possibility to pre-hash?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

You can pre-hash by creating a Virtual Drive, but in your case as mentioned above the hashes will be cached anyway.

This assumes you are running in 'Exact content match' mode - you didn't say what your settings are but matching for Similar Files is much slower.
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