Hash Database For Offline Duplicate Cleaning

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Re: Hash Database For Offline Duplicate Cleaning

Post by DigitalVolcano »

This is still in the works for version 5.0!
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Re: Hash Database For Offline Duplicate Cleaning

Post by Ryan »

Thank you. Is there any sort of ETA for version 5.0?
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Re: Hash Database For Offline Duplicate Cleaning

Post by Ryan »


Have not looked at DC for a long time.

But taking a look today, I see you added a Virtual Folder feature!!!! I am beside myself with delight! First look and it looks SPECTACULAR!!!

With the addition of this feature I can now confidently say that DC is the best duplicate finder program I have ever used and appears to have met and SURPASSED the capabilities of my long lost favorite DupeMaster which has been out of development for many years.

What a spectacular piece of work!

Thank you so much. It has definitely been worth the wait!

I will try to find some constructive ideas to contribute. But I am delighted with the fantastic job you've done and thank you profusely! :D :D :D
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Re: Hash Database For Offline Duplicate Cleaning

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Great! Glad you like it. There's a ton of new stuff in v5!
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