Is there a way to scan for duplicate folders only, regardless of file content?

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Is there a way to scan for duplicate folders only, regardless of file content?

Post by Dissentrix »

Hello, I've bought the pro version of the software, and am quite satisfied with it. However I'm running into some difficulties doing what I want, which is to specifically delete identical folders. Basically I've had to download a bunch of stuff off a website that was closing down, and am now trying to sort it all out. I used a program which downloaded by category, which resulted in a bunch of duplicate folders with identical files.

I've performed a regular scan for "same content" with no additional parameters, which gave me a large amount of duplicate folders I managed to delete; however, there are still a number of duplicate folders, some now empty, and I can find no way of systematically sorting through these. Is it possible to locate just the folders? When I do this (I tried another regular scan, as well as one where I ignored content and focused on "same folder name"), I get "0 folder groups", despite me being able to navigate through subfolders and see for myself that duplicate folders exist in various locations.

Is there a way to "focus" on duplicate folders, without minding the files?

EDIT: Well, either way, I ended up finishing manually. Never mind my question and this topic, then.