Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by DigitalVolcano »

You can feedback here or via the beta email. I do read and work through everything (even if the replies are slow!)

Please upgrade to the latest beta if you haven't already - things change around and get un-broken! (Symlinks and shortcuts weren't being created across drives for instance).
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by DigitalVolcano »

The beta has been upgraded to 4.0.4. It now has a new tab with some breakout/standalone tools which may be useful.
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by therube »

Is it expected that the .msi installer displays a default install path (with each new beta version) rather then displaying the last installed to location (of the prior beta)?

5.0.4 looks to have defaulted to Blake2b-512 hash rather then my previously chosen xxHash-64.

Search criteria:
[Regular] Same, Similar, Ignore.
The "focus area" should only extend from the selection box up to the end of the mode name (like 'Same content') - IMO.
As it is, if you simply want to set focus into DC, you are apt to actually change a setting rather then simply setting focus.

For beta, maybe display the version number in the title bar.

I'm not seeing any difference regarding "links" with 5.0.4, if I'm supposed to be seeing any?
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by DigitalVolcano »

-Looks like I need to manually add something to the installer to remember the user's path. WIll do for next update.
-Re hash - this may be because SHA-384 was added. I assumed the hash choice was saved by a text code, but it is by a list number. That caused the displacement. D'oh.
-Focus area: Good spot. Fixed it.
-The links we bugfixed to work across drives (when creating them)
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by therube »

Win7, non-"Aero" (in case that matters).

Grayed out checkboxes are very difficult to read.

Dropdown lists are very hard to read the highlighted item.
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by therube »


Duplicate files (tab):
smart column resizing is needed
either manual or automatic
Group is huge, in relation to (what might be needed for) Name or Folder
columns should resize... to ... max width of (visible | all) items in column,
or constrained such that it doesn't result in a huge horizontal scroll "mess"

can [drive] be other then A..Z
as in can it be a UNC path or similar (i.e. something other then a single character)?
if not, [drive] column need be no wider then '[drive]'
(is drive even needed given you have Folder ?)
(should Folder be Folder or Path [or, heh, Directory] ?)

nix the Folder & Drive icons, imo

Selection Assistant:
Mark by group.
Grayed out items are very difficult to read

Tools (tab) icon:
mouseover very reluctant to appear, & slow at that
(Settings icon mouseouver is only a little better)

Reset all settings:
is there a confirmation for that?
(i don't really want to try it, live ;-))

Video Tags:
needs a better selector other then simply multiple +Add's
as in, you need to Add Add Add ... Add Add ... to get to the particular item you're wanting to add
(& then you need to X the items you have just added that you don't want to see)
(as it is, Add Add Add... will repeat itself, 3x, so you (can) have:
Title, Date, Director... Title, Date, Director... Title, Date, Director...
it took a second look to understand that Add adds a "item"
with the item being "generic", & that generic item has the dropdown where you can choose the
particular tag item you want to display/compare against
maybe if Add added a <choose> box instead of iterating through the list of allowed items?

to what "degree" do you consider Length/Time to be "equal" ?
are items simply truncated at seconds
or do you take ms / nano seconds into consideration?
will a video length 1 hr 2 min 0 sec 480 ms "equal" a video length 1 hr 2 min 0 sec 583 ms ?

Video, Match length, Tolerance:
i take it that Tolerance of say 2.sec means 0-2 seconds difference.
so videos of:
25 min 0 s 480 ms
25 min 0 s 583 ms
would compare equally with a length Tolerance of 1.sec

Hash Tool:
should default to Group:Hash, i should think
that way as files are added, dups are grouped together, automatically to be more recognizable
maybe with something like a <--- as a "newly added" indicator (new since the previous drag & drop)

Hash Tool: Size:
4.36 MB
7.96 MB
10.8 MB
456 MB
reading down something like that, it doesn't "compute"
iow, it needs aligning. 4 & 7, you have 2 decimal places, 10, you have 1, 456, you have none.

Hash Tool:
needs a Cancel - for times you do something, eh, stupid ;-)
like say open/drag a huge folder into it
oh, & folder means that folder - alone, not subdirectories too
so some potential saving grace there ;-)

just noting some hash times.
& yes i understand the first will always be the slowest.
& after that some data is cached.
as expected XXH (non-crypto) is the fastest.
(compares were made sequentially, in order listed)

Liceale 12 files, 1.89 GB

Code: Select all

CRC	17.2
MD5	 6.2
SHA1	 5.7
S256	19.6
S384	25.8
S512	25.8
B256	 4.4
B512	 4.4
XXH	 1.2

Code: Select all

MD5	 7.6
SH1	 2.8
CRC	 3.6
XXH	 0.6
B512	 2.2
B256	 2.2
S512	13.0
S384	12.9
S256	 9.8
wwlou 6 files, 1.25 GB

Code: Select all

B512	 7.7
XXH	 0.8
B256	 2.9
B512	 2.9 (2nd run, after initial "cache")
S256	13.4
SHA1	 3.7
S256	13.3 (2nd run...)
Duplicate Files:
column width resizing does not persist

Regular mode: Same file size:
Tolerance should have a checkbox.
at some point you may have entered a Tolerance, but you do not always want it in effect
& you don't what to have to manually go in & wipe out any existing number
when a checkbox to toggle its setting suffices

Video Preview:
stopping, closing, Preview does not "release" the file.
at times, even when closed, you still hear the audio from the file.
other then "hearing", this can be seen with (Nirsoft's) OpenedFilesView.
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by therube »

Scan tab:
shows "summary" along with the 'Start scan' button
the summary:
in Video mode, did not note that 'Match length' had been enabled
- would have been nice to see that noted there
(had one noticed, might have pointed out an unwanted setting...)
(seems other settings are not necessarily noted either)
[though, appears the program is not working as expected, & if it were, /possibly/
some of this would be moot?]


(short story)

the only way to set/unset 'Same file size'
is from within 'Regular mode'
yet its' setting, even if grayed out,
affects ALL scan modes.


(long story)

02/23/2021 10:35:59 PM
Scanning #1
- Video mode: Match video frames
- Video mode: Tolerance: 00:00:05
- Same file size : 4096 Bytes tolerance
- All file types

Folders to search:
Y:\XOUT\X\ [Find duplicates-Yes]

02/23/2021 10:36:00 PM
Scan complete
Total time taken:None
2 file(s) scanned in 1 folder(s) (356 MB)
0 group(s) of duplicates
0 file(s) have duplicates (0 Bytes)

02/23/2021 10:39:55 PM
Scanning #2
- Video mode: Match video frames
- Same file size : 4096 Bytes tolerance
- All file types

Folders to search:
Y:\XOUT\X\ [Find duplicates-Yes]

02/23/2021 10:39:56 PM
Scan complete
Total time taken:None
2 file(s) scanned in 1 folder(s) (356 MB)
0 group(s) of duplicates
0 file(s) have duplicates (0 Bytes)

if you note the screenshot...
Same file size / Tolerance 4096 bytes
is grayed out...
& & just what is that to mean?
to me, it should mean the setting is not in effect.
but it appears that through some combination of clicks,
at some point in time, it was enabled,
& now as things are, currently,
my intent is to not have it enabled,
but based on settings in effect, it /is/ in effect,
but also grayed, so no manner to deselect it
- without first enabling the corresponding option that "un-grays" it
(which i'll suspect is in fact, oh, not sure ?)
ah, so it seems it stems from 'Regular mode' Scan
- so you have to switch to that, first
then uncheck, Same file size
then switch back to Video mode
& then my scan should work as expected


(duplicating earlier thoughts, cause i ran into them again)

(ffmpeg thumb creation implementation seems really inefficient)

i ran a scan, no duplicates found... (when i was expecting some)
at that point, the very first thing /i/ want to do is to look at the log
to see if i missed something (or added something i should not have)
- how do i do that, efficiently?

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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Sorry for the slow forum response! You can reply here or in the beta email. I usually respond to those quicker!

DC doesn't current detect symlinked files as duplicates (it'll read the actual contents of the file which is why a copied symlink correctly shows as duplicate but the target doesn't). Probably need to add this at some point!
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by DigitalVolcano »

so you have to switch to that, first
then uncheck, Same file size
then switch back to Video mode
& then my scan should work as expected
This is a bug - fixed for!
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Re: Beta: Duplicate Cleaner 5

Post by dcwul62 »

Up front, I have not found the below in Duplicate Cleaner. Maybe it is there, I don't know.
If not, this is then a feature request.

What happens regularly...
In Explorer (or any Explorer replacement) I have a file but -think!- that probably it is a duplicate.
Am not sure though, likely I might have stored the duplicate somewhere in some sub sub sub folder.
BUT ...
a. is it a duplicate indeed?
b. if so, where is(are) the other file(s) stored?

I can have Duplicate Cleaner scan all my drives which will take a day or two.

Now, what I would like is to 1. select a file and 2.have a context menu item to have DC search for a duplicate based on timestamp and size only.
After all, a file can be renamed. So DC would 'extract/copy' the date+time+size of that specific file and then search for files with date+time+size as parameter.
Practically DC will point to a folder with more duplicates (being the result of earlier actions of reorganizing files)
I am not an expert. Maybe DC could use the MFT for this? Don't know.
