Feature request: Consider html file & _files folder as one item

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Feature request: Consider html file & _files folder as one item

Post by wwcanoer »

Feature request: Consider html file & _files folder as one item

Windows explorer used to have an option to consider these as one item but I don't see that anymore.

Because at one time I saved a lot of pages like this, a duplicate search returns a lot of small duplicate files because multiple pages (html files) have the same files in their associated _files folder.

Alternatively: Have a filter that I can ignore any folder name that ends in "_files" (but I could end up with a lot of orphaned folders when duplicate html files are deleted.

Alternatively: Treat "_files" folders as if they were a single file.

Background: Browsers can save a web page as a Html only, Single file (mht) or Complete (an html file with associated _files folder).