Question about marking files in each group

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Question about marking files in each group

Post by kuuser »

We've already successfully purchased and used your program to move a large quantity of duplicates (by file content) out of our main repository, so I know a bit about how the program works already, but I have a few questions about some additional options.

We're like to find files with the same filename (but different extension) and to delete/move files that are of a specific extension. I see how we can filter results by extension and also see how we can "Mark by text pattern...". So, our goal is to mark duplicate files in each group but only if they match a certain extension. For example, say I have these results:


Would either of those two options help me? My goal in the above example would be to only mark for removal Samefilename.BBB but not mark BOTH of the Anothersamefilename.BBB since that would remove all the remaining items of the Anothersamefilename.BBB file.