Some sugestions

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Some sugestions

Post by ctd »

1. I find it very helpful that Duplicate Cleaner keeps track of groups in which all members have been marked for deletion and that it warns about it, as it could be a mistake. But then I would think it should be rather easy to list the group numbers in case, which would greatly faciltate checking for possible mistakes.
2. In the most recent version rescanning the files requires a renewed entry of the scan locations. It would be helpful if the scan could be restarted, i.e. the scan button was available even after a scan was already started: Frequently the scan reveals that two folders contain a large number of equal files. It is then more efficient to use a folder comparison program for eliminating duplicates, rather than checking each duolicate file. Rescanning then after the scan was already in progress then simplyfies the remaining tasks
3. Not a suggestion, but a useful feature I just discovered for myself (although perhaps already in the manual?) I get many duplicates from web searches. Downloading a web page generally produces a file *.html or *.html, mostly with an associated directory *_files, which contain graphic elements, java scripts etc.: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.js etc. As the same elelements are typically used in many web pages, they would produce many duplicates. They could be excluded from the search by listing them as *.gif;*.jpg*;*.js; the Excluded Search Filter. However all of these elements can be excluded simply by entering *_files and specifying that the exclusion should apply to folder names too. Windows has the nice feature (Linux unfortunately does not) that moving or deleting a file *.html or *.htm also moves or deletes the associated directories *_files. So this is a very useful feature in Duplicate Cleaner for removing duplicate web pages. As far as I have seen, it works correctly.
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Re: Some sugestions

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Thanks for the suggestions! I think we have it covered-

1)Duplicate Cleaner does actually have two ways to list groups with all files marked:
--The 'Groups with all files marked' button in the Selection Assistant sidebar will bring up a list which you can use to filter.
--The Quick Filters dropdown above the list has a 'Group has all marked' option, which will filter the list to these groups. (Pro only)

2) If you cancel a scan you can restart it again by clicking on the Criteria or Scan Location tab and 'Start Scan' - the paths are only cleared if you click 'New scan'

3)You can apply the exclusion pattern to folder names too by clicking the checkbox underneath the box.
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