How to find NON-duplicates?

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How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by michaelnorth »

Hi, I have two backup folders with about 100,000 files each. Each folder contains almost the same files. That is, I already know that 99.9% of files are duplicates. But there may be a few files that are NOT duplicates. How can I isolate the NON-duplicates so I can figure out what to do with them?
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by therube »

Duplicates in what manner?

If by name, there is nothing better then Everything ( Beta).
Everything has a "dupe:" function (name only), which you can negate "!dupe:", which would find file (names only) that are not duplicated elsewhere. (And you can further filter results, like if you were only interested in mp3's or mp4's [ext:mp3 or ext:mp4 or bye setting a filter video: or audio:])
(Note that it finds "dup's" across all indexed drives, but you can set it to scan only specific drives. Again, by name only.)

Otherwise Duplicate Cleaner 4 will have a "Find uniques" function.
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Yes, Duplicate Cleaner 4 can find unique files ... =&sct=MjE4
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by michaelnorth »

@therube That's an interesting tip about Everything. I'm not sure if Everything will compare two folders with !dupe:, but I'll give it a try. Thanks!
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by michaelnorth »

@DigitalVolcano I have a paid, registered version of Duplicate Cleaner Pro, v.3.2.7, but there's no Uniques Files tab. Is that a feature of v.4x? The app says I have the latest version, didn't even know about v.4. How do I get it?
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Duplicate Cleaner 4.0 has many new features, and is a paid upgrade from version 3. You now have the option of getting the paid upgrade to version 4.0, or continuing with Version 3.2.7.

As a current user, you can get a discount up to 60% depending when you purchased. Duplicate Cleaner 4 has just been released. The discount code emails are being sent soon, but drop an email to support if you want a code.
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Re: How to find NON-duplicates?

Post by 00 »

If the backup folders match identically, you could use FreeFileSync to do the job.

Otherwise, to use DC, you could try something like this. Disclaimer, it's untested.
1) Enter the paths of both drives in 'Scan Location'
2) Click 'Scan Now'
3) Use the Selection Assistant tool -> 'Select by text pattern': set Column Name' to 'Path' and enter the path of one of the drives in 'Text' field. eg. C:\
4) Click 'File Removal'
5) Enter a non-existent temporary path , eg: C:\_ in the 'Move / Copy to Folder' field.
6) Click 'Move Files'
7) NON-duplicates will be left outside that temporary folder - Do with them what you will
8) Move back the files from the temporary path using robocopy /S C:\_ C: /MOV
9) Repeat steps 2 - 8 for the other drive.
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