Directory protection suggestion

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Directory protection suggestion

Post by Sam »

I'm loving this software and it works just great win7/64-bit! I use SHA-1 as the scan comparison type. A BIG thanks for a great product!

Can you please add these to the program?
1. In the "Search Paths" area, can you divide it vertically and add a "Protected paths" area? With a button "Protect this path" (I try to keep my portfolio well organized and this keeps my main location the only place I need backup to my external disk)....NB: I know there's an option in the "Selection Assistant", but it's too buried and I usually like to protect 1-3 places depending (based on experience)

2. In the "File Sizes" section, can you add a drop down for KB, MB, GB? (or make it an option in preferences) My preferred option being MB as I'm usually more concerned with bigger files wasting space.
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Post by Sam »

Also, it's currently a 32-bit there any plans to make it 64-bit also? As sometimes it seems a little slow.
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Post by Sam »

Also, while I'm selecting the larger files for saving space. It would be nice if there was a "{TOTAL} MB selected" in the status bar (just after files "{#} files marked"). xD
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Post by Fool4UAnyway »

I would also like the scan results to tell me how much total space the unique files occupy and how much total space is wasted by the duplicates of them.
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