Notepad PokerDigitalVolcanoNotepad Poker
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Notepad Poker User Guide

Feb 2008 Initial Release

Language Files
Issues and Future Plans

Version History

Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP.  Windows 95 and Windows Vista installations are currently untested/unsupported.

Double click on the NotepadPoker_Setup.exe file in Windows Explorer.  You will be guided through a simple automatic install process to the location of your choice.

Notepad Poker is a unique Texas Hold 'em poker client for Windows. The game is played using a text interface which describes the action to you.  It allows you to play with up to eight other people over a local network.

Starting up.
When starting up you will be faced with a wizard setup screen. The most important part of this is to specify a shared folder.  This folder needs to be accessible by all players on the network.  If you are playing on your own against the Notepad PokerBots this folder need not be shared.

The next window you will see is a list of games being played in the shared folder.  To join a game, select it and click the 'Join Selected' button.  To create a game for others to join click the 'Create Game' button and fill in the details.  The game you create will then be visible to other users to join.

In the Game
When in game you can wait for more players to join, or if you are the host (the person who created the game) you can click the 'Start Round' button to begin. No more players can join after this.
The game is played in the usual way, with betting, checking, calling and folding.  You can use the buttons in the tool window, the keyboard shortcuts or the menus to play. At the end of each hand the host needs to click 'Start Round' or press S to begin the next hand.

You can chat to the other players using the Msg button or by pressing the M key.

You can set options via the Tools->Options menu. The font and appearance of the text can be changed.

Notepad mode aka Go Notepad!
Selecting  View->Notepad Mode [N] will hide all tools and put the game text into Notepad mode.  Handy if the boss is passing...

Language Files
Notepad Poker can easily be localized into other languages by creating simple text files in the format lang_*.ini.  See the lang_en.ini file for a template on how to do this.  We hope to host more language files as they are created. Anyone who wants to contribute to this is more than welcome and will get full credit!
The language files also introduce the possibility of creating something that looks nothing like poker to prying eyes - Replace Full House with 'Hits sales target' or something.

Issues and Future Plans
Version History  © 2008 DigitalVolcano