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Copy/Paste SUPPORT Please!?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:48 am
by Tempa
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\media\photos\Jed\2011\amblicon\day2\3pm\thirdFloor\amy&debby\eatingHat\

OH MY GOD.. why must i be subject to clicking my way through this, when the Folder, is right there, Open on my screen!? i can -see- the address. what the hell, why cant i just copy the address, and paste it into Duplicate Cleaner, to arrive at the right folder for scanning?

This is 2011 right? Copy Paste technology has been kicking the crap out of windows3.1 point and click since 1995!

but This program (Duplicate Cleaner), much like the original I-Phones laughs at the very idea of copy paste, and believes in building barns by hand, plowing fields with animals, and beating food to death with sticks! oh my GOD this is archaic! What like, all of 4, people must have all their files in the Root Directory of their hard drive. So why is -this- folder/directory structure clickie system being favored Exclusively over copy paste?

You know what, Don't even Reply, Just Fix it, Update it. And to all those who are going to sit here and try to tell me that 1 button is all you need to make an os work, throw away your keyboard, and reply here. While your doing that, everyone else, please pressure Duplicate Cleaner Dev's to add a [Address: root:/bar/ ] to this "modern?" software.

I wont be sitting around here waiting to read your replies, trolling remarks, witty one liners, or smarty pants answers. I've said all i needed to say. and I'm walking away from this forum without looking back. I just cant believe you didn't think to include a paste to option or an address bar in your software design. How can you stand to even use your own software when it lacks such a fundamental element. It's unthinkable. Whatever, I'm gone! Add it, till then it's back to "Clone Spy" or "Space Man".

PS: oh joy, i missed the small little square where you can input your path XpX; That takes the wind out of my sails, but why the hell are you using the old as sin Folder Tree system without an address bar right above it? seriously most of what i said still applies above. Why would you leave the address bar dynamic -out- of your folder frame modules? It definitely fools people into thinking at first, second and 15'th glance that you don't have any place to type or paste a path.. it's not in the upper menu screen either! Ridiculous! Take a hint from the OS, address bar tech is included with every tree-view. Mac Linux and Windows.

Add Feature!
~Tempa Raerily Irate

Re: Copy/Paste SUPPORT Please!?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:20 pm
by DV
I know you've left forever, but you can also drag the folder onto the path list from windows explorer, in addition to the folder paste function you discovered at the end of your message.

v3 has an address bar :p

Re: Copy/Paste SUPPORT Please!?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:52 pm
by Fool4UAnyway
Hey dude, what actually is your point now? I can't really make anything out of this long story you are telling. You seem a bit annoyed about something, but it seems hard for you to find the right wording. Perhaps you could include a screen shot which demonstrates your annoyance.

I myself find it strange that the standard folder selection dialogs I see in Windows OS's still lack a text box to just paste a folder in. Just a simple adjustment of a file selection dialog would also solve any problems with selecting a folder.

I suppose you may also have a problem with that, I don't know.

Would you be willing to spend as much of your emotions, time and efforts to letting Microsoft know about this? You would really help me.