DC HardLinking incompatible with LSE ?

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DC HardLinking incompatible with LSE ?

Post by RonanKER »

I use LSE (Link Shell Extension http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshel ... llext.html) to be able to see and edit hardlinks and symlinks directly in the windows explorer, but when I use Duplicate Cleaner 2.1 to create hardlinks, something kills LSE and I have to reinstall it or reboot the PC to be able again to see hardlinks...
(my system is vista 64)
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Re: DC HardLinking incompatible with LSE ?

Post by DV »

Odd, I used LSE to test the DC hardlinking feature, so i know they work together. I haven't tried on Vista though.
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Re: DC HardLinking incompatible with LSE ?

Post by RonanKER »


I was trying to write down precisely what i did to reproduce the bug... and at first didn't reproduced... but now I understand more what the problem is...

In fact LSE isn't killed by Duplicate Cleaner... but sometimes DC launches explorer.exe in 32 bit mode, when no instance is present, and then even exploring by "my computer" icon, the 32bit instance is used.... And LSE isn't activated on the 32bit instance of explorer.exe ...

So I don't know how LSE attach to exporer.exe, but if possible it should attach to both 64 and 32 bit modes... Also, DC shouldn't launch 32bit explorer...

in order to reproduce, you can monitor with task manager the instances of explorer.exe. there is always one instance 64bit + when i browse directories an other instance...
If i close every windows then only one explorer is present and in Duplicate cleaner (and probably other 32bit programs) I use the fuction to show me the file in its directory, then it opens explorer in 32bit mode.

the command-lines visible in task manager are :
for the always present :
explorer.exe - explorer.exe
for the standard browser :
explorer.exe - "C:\Windows\Explorer.exe" /separate,/idlist,:49384:3644,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
for the DC one :
explorer.exe *32 - "C:\Windows\System32\explorer.exe" /e,/select,"H:\Images\image.jpg"

Thanks again to developpers of Duplicate Cleaner and Link Shell Extension :-)

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Re: DC HardLinking incompatible with LSE ?

Post by therube »

A 32-bit app will only interact with other 32-bit apps.
And a 64-bit app will only interact with other 64-bit apps.
(My description, Interact is probably the wrong word, but ...)

LSE comes in both 32 & 64 bit versions.
You must have the 64-bit version installed.

You should be able to install both, I would think.
(It's common to <& unfortunately necessary> to have 32 & 64-bit versions of programs installed, in some cases.)

So DC being 32-bit, will not see 64-bit context menu items.

If you install the 32-bit version of LSE, Explorer windows opened from within DC should then have the LSE context menus available too.

Related, ShellExView - Shell Extensions Manager.

(Similarly, if you run a program in Administrative mode, programs opened from with that program will also be running in Administrative mode.)
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