Future Development of MDB Merge

Other bits and pieces and old stuff!
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Future Development of MDB Merge

Post by DigitalVolcano »

If anyone is interested in taking Simple MDB Merge and building on the source code or developing it further (I don't have time) I'm happy to release the unprotected Access file so the VBA code can be updated/improved.
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Mike Padmore

Post by Mike Padmore »

I would certainly like to have a go at updating this (in particular to add the ability to do multiple tables at once). Could you send me the details to 'mpdev AT netmeg.co.uk'

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Post by DV »

Hi Mike
I'll send you some details when I get the chance to sort things (hopefully later today)
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Post by DV »

Sent you something - let me know if you think it's ran up against a spam filter.
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Post by DV »

Actually that email address doesn't work!
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Sharon Howell

Post by Sharon Howell »

I really need to build on this source code. Could you send it to smhowell@cox.net? I will only use it for internal non-profit applications and will return any improvements to the originator upon request.
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Mark Wheeler

Post by Mark Wheeler »

If possible I would like to be included in development of the software, my email address is mark.wheeler@education.tas.gov.au
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Mark Wheeler

Post by Mark Wheeler »


Is this forum still active?, if so would you mind adding me to list for building to the source code.

Mark Wheeler

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Post by DV »

Sorry Mark, missed this the first time round - will email.
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Johan Cronje

Post by Johan Cronje »


Same question as Mark, is it still possible to add me to the list for building on the source code?

