Regular Expressions

RegEx problems forum (archived)
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Regular Expressions

Post by DV »

Post your regular expression issues, info and solutions in this forum!
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Post by SimonKSA »

I can detect a form feed followed by 6 blank lines (cr lf)
I want to remove the blank lines so just leave the \f
When I put \f in the replacement box it puts \f in the file and not the ascii code 0C or FF or \f.
How do I make it do that?
Many Thanks
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Post by SimonKSA »

Looking at other posts I saw the solution!
By creating a group of the \f I simply use that in the replacement string.
So I search for
and replace with
Sorry for being such a wombat.
The textcrawler program is extremely useful.
Many Thanks.
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Post by SimonKSA »

finger trouble. the replacement is $1