Putting quotes around text

Tool for Search and Replace across multiple files.
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Putting quotes around text

Post by josh12345 »

I have two questions really.

First, I'm trying to put quotes around every line in a file, one set of quotes from the beginning of the line to the end, one set per line.

Second, my file is in alphabetical order and I was wondering if there was a way in textcrawler to randomize lines, so that every line is in a different order in the file, but stays the same other than that.

If anyone has any imput on this that would be great, thanks.
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Post by Norbert »

You find \r\n and you replace by "\r\n"
You put quotes on the beginning of the first line.
For random, you can open the file with excel, create un first column, randomize, and save your *.txt.
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