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Bug in 1.1.2 / Enhanchments Requested for 2.0

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:18 pm
by Daren Moody
Bug in 1.1.2 / Enhanchments Requested for 2.0

To begin with, I'd like to thank you for a fantastic program! It is EXACTLY what I was looking for to use on an ongoing project of mine. Thank you as well to PC Utilities Magazine for making me aware of this program!

Side note: My use of this program is searching through a multitude (9+ years worth) of e-mail jokes and joke digests I receive on a daily basis. Largest file is approximately 4000 pages long! Many others in the 1000+ size!

Enhancement I'd love to see in v2.0:
When the files are listed, instead of having to shift-click the entire list and then right click and select "Mark All Selected" can a checkbox be made available at the top of the column (maybe to the left FILENAME box?) that will allow for an easy way to mark all files?

Bug Report / Enhancement Request:
Can the results file listing be move dynamic / real time in results (Similar to the way results act in Windos Search command.) Let me explain:
If after listing is generated, a file gets moved or deleted form the location shown in the listing, the file still shows. (Windows search, it will disappear if deleted.)

When this happens, if the file name is clicked in the results list, a 0K file with the original filename is then generated in the path origianlly listed.

However, if the complete path is deleted, an error message appears. If the file can't be deleted from the list, hopefully at least hte error message can be displayed if the patch still exists, but the file doesn't.

After making a change to a file listed in the results file, the "preview" will show the correct results (in my case if duplicates are removed), but the "Matches" value does not reflect any change(s).

Again, want to thank you for a great program!! It's appreciated and very helpful!!

As mentioned, I am using this to search and edit text jokes, which I hope to eventually publish on a web page. When / if this happens, a link / banner for this program will definitely be featured, as it wouldn't be possible without this!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:37 pm
by DV
Thanks for your comments - I'll look into getting some of your ideas into TC2.0. There might be a fixal bugfix release of 1.1.x as well to clear up a few issues (including the empty file being generated).
Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier - must have missed it...

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:37 pm
by DV
Look forward to the jokes too ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:40 pm
by Darren Moody
Thanks for the reply. Look forward to any and all updates!

One other suggestion for a future enhancement that I think a lot of people would agreee would be very helpful.

In Options, have the abilility to have the program automatically "mark" all files resulting from a search after the search is complete.

This way once the search is done, if you want to do a sub-search, as it stands now, and the user forgets to select all, then it does a complete search of teh directory structure set as the default, rather than just the results of the original search.

Thanks for the consideration!!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:14 am
by DV2
Ok - good option idea. It might work well in combination with an additional option to not show files with 0 hits (when searching marked)