Requesting Advice on How to Set Folder Status

The best solution for finding and removing duplicate files.
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Requesting Advice on How to Set Folder Status

Post by Soeroah »


So on my PC I've got a series of working folders and then a main folder I store images in long-term (and a second, smaller storage folder I'm trying to use on the most subject to change files to make scans faster).

Essentially, throughout a month I'll get images from several sources which are put in their own folders on receipt, and I'd like to use DC to scan those folders against each other to easily see if I've accidentally received the same file twice, and pick the best version to keep.

In addition to that, I'd also like to be able to scan against the main storage folder, to make sure none of the files are ones I've already processed.

So in essence I have

Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 3

as my working folders, which may or may not end up with duplicate files within them, and I have Storage 1, which I move processed files to at the end of the month.

I'm looking for the correct set of status options that will a) scan folders 1, 2 and 3 against each other for any duplicates as well as internal to each folder, b) scan my Storage folder against folders 1, 2 and 3 for duplicates BUT ignoring any substantially similar files contained only inside the Storage folder (I think this is an external-only scan)?

I thought I had it right for months but a recent new scan showed quite a few duplicate files that somehow got through the cracks into my storage folder, which I'm currently re-scanning on its own to try to fix.
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Re: Requesting Advice on How to Set Folder Status

Post by DigitalVolcano »

You can use the following 'Find duplicates' column settings on your input folders-

Main storage - External only (Set to 'Protected' as well)
Folder 1 - Yes
Folder 2 - Yes
Folder 3 - Yes ... =&sct=MTA2
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