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Dot Matches Newline not working on regex

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:32 pm
by jambajuicemain
I'm trying to find and a replace matches for the following regex pattern using the "Dot Matches Newline" flag but am getting the error message...
Error in Find: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. My understanding is that Text Crawler uses .NET regex engine so the "Dot Matches Newline" checkbox that I have checked should work for "Single line" as shown in Regex01

The regex pattern is proven to work in reg101 -

Code: Select all

regex: ^(.*?(?:@heroImageURL\s*=\s*""[^""]+"".*?){1}@heroImageURL\s*=\s"")[^""]+(?="")
test string:

Code: Select all

 IF @brandName == "A" THEN
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""
    ELSEIF @brandName == "B" THEN
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""
    ELSEIF @brandName == "C" THEN
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""
    ELSEIF @brandName == "D" THEN
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""
    ELSEIF @brandName == "E" THEN
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""
       set @heroImageURL = ""
       set @productImageURL = ""

Code: Select all

Substitution: $1

Re: Dot Matches Newline not working on regex

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:03 pm
by DigitalVolcano
Try unchecking 'ECMA compatibility' in the settings - this can cause that error.

Also note that TextCrawler uses .NET 4.5. regular expressions, not .NET 7 as used in regex101