Unwanted output folder saved

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Unwanted output folder saved

Post by ebulerdo »

Good morning!

I have TextCrawler's output set to "update original files". That works fine for most of my cases.

But then I have a process in which I invoke TextCrawler from the command-line with this exactly the same syntax as in the example in the manual:
TextCrawler.exe /fn "D:\My Data\convertme.txt" /of "D:\Outputs" /b "D:\BatchFiles\Converter.txc" /r /c

After I run this script, the output folder setting changes to D:\Outputs. So the next time I use the program for a different task I will go nuts because I don't find the converted files, until I remember the program is trying to save them to D:\Outputs (which no longer exists) and change that setting back to "update original files".

Is there a way to prevent TextCrawler from remembering the last output folder I used and, unless specified in the command line, always update the original files in their folder? Or if that is not possible, is there a way not to use the /of switch on the command line but tell the program instead to update the file in whatever folder it is in?

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Re: Unwanted output folder saved

Post by DigitalVolcano »

There isn't a way currently of having TextCrawler not save the settings when using a command line switch. I think this probably needs to be address in a update and so I'll add a request to get this implemented (e.g. use /nosave to not save settings for that session).
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Re: Unwanted output folder saved

Post by ebulerdo »

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