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Save search criteria as "Favorite"

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:09 pm
by DannyDan
I'd love the ability to save all the details I've specified on the form as a favorite. There should also be an option to generate a command line from what's entered on the form.

I suppose if you added the ability to generate a command line first, you could re-use some of that code for favorites... When you save form details as a favorite it could simply create command line args from the form details and save as a favorite with a friendly display name. It would be nice to be able to organize favorites into folders to separate them by project. You should be able to open a favorite from a dropdown menu in the current menu bar or maybe add a new button and assign a ContextMenuStrip to the button.

You might also add a new command line argument for TC to specify a favorite to load on startup. This would allow people to create a desktop shortcut that will load TC with the settings they want to start off using, which would probably resolve the request someone else had for "Profiles". Maybe the form you create to manage favorites would have a button you can click to generate a shortcut on the desktop for the favorite you're editing?

Thanks for your consideration, I love this program. I convinced my work to buy 3 licenses last year!

P.S. If you have side jobs I can do for development on TC, you can email me!

Re: Save search criteria as "Favorite"

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:28 am
by DigitalVolcano
Thanks for the suggestion, glad you like the program! Favourites would be handy. For now you can save/load some preset scenarios using the batch processor. These don't change the main gui though.

There are also two command line parameters which may be useful which seem to be missing from the manual:-
/fp [phrase] automatically find [phrase]
/fr [regex] automatically find [regex]