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"Similar file names" add sub-option

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:09 pm
"Similar file names" add sub-option:
"Matches text that specifies mantissa from left to right" and "Matches text that specifies mantissa from right to left"
Or "Match characters from left to right" and "Match characters from right to left"

"Matches text that specifies mantissa from left to right" 19 characters
video editing_91183.ext - MARKED
video editing_91183b.ext - MARKED
video preview_91183.ext

"Matches text that specifies mantissa from right to left" 6 characters
video editing_91183.ext - MARKED
video editing_91183b.ext
video preview_91183.ext - MARKED

"Match characters from left to right" characters _
video editing_91183.ext - MARKED
video editing_91183b.ext
video preview_91183.ext - MARKED

"Match characters from right to left" characters _

video editing_91183.ext - MARKED
video editing_91183b.ext - MARKED
video preview_91183.ext