Looking Alternative TextCrawler For Mac

Tool for Search and Replace across multiple files.
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Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:16 am

Looking Alternative TextCrawler For Mac

Post by javedisaac »

Hy Everyone How are you? I hope all is going well. And you all are safe at your home. My question is that, Is it possible that I can find an alternative to TextCrawler Software for mac OS. Actually, a few years passed when I was a Windows user. I have used the tool on windows, and from that time am fall in love with this tool. So, now I don't have Windows PC. So, Did you know that, any alternative for Mac OS. I have used many tools, but they don't work like TextCrawler For windows. So, if you know the perfect tool that works fine on macOS then, tell me. Actually, I have a huge text file. I want to replace few words on these text files without opening each file. So, if you know an alternative then, share it with me. Thanks in Advanced.