Feature request: Add the same selection assistant options to 'Duplicate Folders' tab

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Feature request: Add the same selection assistant options to 'Duplicate Folders' tab

Post by wwcanoer »

Please add the same selection assistant options to the 'Duplicate Folders' tab. (i.e. every one that is applicable.) The most important is marking all duplicate folders located in a parent folder. This selection assistant only selects entire folders from the 'Duplicate Folders' tab, not individual files.

Why: Different folders often need some of the same files, so removing individual files can break things. It's safer to remove duplicate folders. Although it's possible to have a necessary duplicate folder, it's easier to detect in the shorter list of folders than when reviewing a very long list of files.

My plan would be to first deduplicate complete folders, then repeat with the files. Then the file list will be much shorter and easier to review.