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Use of the Duplicate Folder Feature

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:27 pm
by mhp10
I am using the trial version of Pro to check out the Duplicate Folder feature, but I must misunderstand what it is supposed to do.

I have a zillion (rounded) pictures organized by year. Each year has subfolders titled "Pictures - Children," "Pictures - Sports," "Pictures - Vacations," etc. I want to go through and find all of the "Sports" folders to delete (I don't care what pictures are in them). I was interpreting the Duplicate Folder feature to be such that I could enter a folder name and duplicate folders would be identified, but apparently such is not the case. I suppose that I could search all .jpg files and then open them in Explorer to see the sub-folder in which they are contained, but that would be like looking for needles in a needle stack. Does anyone know a way to use this (or any other) feature to accomplish what I want to do?

Thanks for any insight.

P.S. If there is not a way to pull up duplicate folder names regardless of the content, this task might be considered for a future improvement.

Re: Use of the Duplicate Folder Feature

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:37 pm
by DigitalVolcano
The duplicate folder function identifies entire duplicated folder structures within your scanned files, based on the content of those files (according to the criteria you set for the scan).
More info here: ... __pro_.htm

Finding duplicate groups by just folder name (with a definable folder depth) is on the roadmap for version 4.0

Re: Use of the Duplicate Folder Feature

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:43 am
by Ed S
Why not just use the search function built into Windows? XP's search will do this easily, I've done it often recently. Just change the file type to search for to "folders". Once located, I can then select folders for comparison/ cleanup within Duplicate Cleaner.

Re: Use of the Duplicate Folder Feature

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:16 pm
by therube
You can use Everything to search for duplicate file (names).
Using the "dupe:" function & then filtering may very quickly give you pertinent information, allowing further exploration, with Duplicate Cleaner.

So something like:

Code: Select all

dupe:  !.dat  !c: /SPORTS/  .jpg
So search for duplicated file (names); ignore anything named ".dat", ignore anything on C: drive, find within directories that contain /SPORTS/, & have .jpg in the file name