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Targeting batch updates

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:03 pm
by justinaz
Is there a way within the batch editor to add the option to select what specific file(s) or file types that each batch job should be applied to i.e. batch command 1 is specific to file 1 and batch command 2 is specific to *.txt and batch job3 is specific to file1.csv,file2.csv - similar to the way this can be done on the main screen.

If this a current feature/capability please let me know how as I have not managed to find it yet ( other than selecting to use file patterns or file location on the main screens and then loading a saved batch job that applies to that file(s) )

If this is not currently possible - can it be considered for a feature enhancement. I believe the performance of searches and replacements would be improved if the batch jobs could be targeted to specific files (if they are known of course).

Re: Targeting batch updates

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:49 am
by DigitalVolcano
Hi. This isn't currently possible. The batch jobs will just run on the complete folder or single file targetted.

However it was the original intention to have the batch scripting more flexible to allows this type of functionality so I'll add this to the development wish list!