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New feature suggestions for version after 1.4

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:35 pm
by Steve R
Thanks for writing DC, and for providing it to us as freeware.
Here's some suggestions for the next version.
#1 add a button that goes directly from the selection assistant to the "Remove Selected" pane.
2 add a button that deletes selections from the list, but not from the disk (i.e, allows the duplicate files themselves to stay but gets them off the list)
3. allow selections to act only within existing selections (effectively giving AND capability).
4. Add a "Different File Name" choice -- allowing us to find same content but different name files
5. in the audio search, add a choice for same audio -- to find files that have the same musical content but different tags.
6. Add a mass prefix option -- so we could mark selected (or all)duplicate files to fix them in other programs (especially useful with suggestion 4 above for graphics or suggestion 5 for music files).
7. add a "refresh" capability for the search path selector. Right now, it won't find a path added after DC was started.
8. make the terminology consistent -- either use "selected" for highlighted files and "checked" for checked files, or find other terms. Right now, selected is used sometimes for checked, sometimes for highlighted.
9. And last, my previous request (but obviously much more difficult). Add a "find duplicate folders" function. It would require walking the entire directory tree, finding all subtrees of the same height (levels from the bottom level with no subdirectories) and comparing them. Because deleting a folder not only deletes all its subtrees but also affects the comparison of all larger subtrees of which it is a part, you have to constrain the selection so subtrees can't be selected if one of their lower subtrees is also selected (since the larger trees might not be equal anymore).
Thanks for any consideration you might be able to give these.