How to find duplicate folders only, based on folder sizes?

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How to find duplicate folders only, based on folder sizes?

Post by dcwul62 »

I would like to have a listing of duplicate -folders- only, based on their total size, ignoring individual file sizes.

How do I do that?

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Re: How to find duplicate folders only, based on folder sizes?

Post by therube »

There is no easier (& quicker) way then, Everything.

Do a search for, folder: dupe:size

After that, depending on what you then want to do, you can certainly select said directories to be further examined by DC.

(Note sure if Everything 1.4 [Release] does what I mentioned, but Everything 1.5 Alpha certainly does [& don't let the "alpha" fool you - it is robust].)
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Re: How to find duplicate folders only, based on folder sizes?

Post by dcwul62 »

Thanks a lot.

Indeed, Everything may be quicker.
FWIW: likely one may wish to add 'parent:2' or 'parent:3' or so

A parent folder may have a single sub folder of e.g. 100MB
or a sub folder VIDEO_TS,
in which cases both folders (Parent and sub folders) are listed then.

To avoid this one may wish to experiment with the parent: parameter.

This is not really a thing for DC though... ;)
Anyway, thanks again
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