Some suggestions

Tool for Search and Replace across multiple files.
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Some suggestions

Post by selnomeria »

TC is excellent app i've been using for years. some notes (good you made update 2 months ago):

1) The free app seems to stay un-updated and on same 3.0.3 version (already many years old), and people using it would have some incorrect ideas about how pro-version looks like, i think in free version there should be the same thing everything like in pro, just the functionalities should be FADED-OUT or LOCKED or whatever, saying that "IT IS PRO FUNCTIONALITY".

2) I think TC is undervalued app. Please think of something, i.e. give the introductory promo, send the pro version for free to developers, teams or etc, if not free, then i.e. 1 Years for free or whatever. I dont know any powerful or near tool like TC.

3) in FIND textbox, when you input new phrase and make search, then CTRL+Z does not work , to return back to whatever phrase I had inputed there. That is very important, because when you want to search "Word_A" and then "WORD_b" and then want to again search what you previously searched, CTRL+Z does not work (of course, WORD_A is a simple example, while we do many searches and would like to return back i.e. 2 or 3 trigger ago, whatever phrase we used in FIND field.

4) would be nice to have "profiles" feature. I mean, I have to make a copy of TC i.e. 10 times, because i have 10 different folders with different search patterns/paths/options needed. we know that we can run 1 instance and choose different options from dropdown, but that is too cumbersome when we already have pre-defined needs for each folder/app. So, at this moment, the only way is to create 10 copies of TC.exe (and they will store only their .ini settings, and after re-opening the app, we get the desired settings filled directly, without need to change dropdowns etc in the app). So, something like a craeting shortcut , where the app will start by i.e. "c:/path/textcrawler.exe --profile myProfile1" or whatever...

5) would be nice that app had a portability, and qtlicense.dll file was built-in Texcrawler.exe. at this moment, we have to copy several files, thus Texctracler is not a true standalone app. Would be nice if that's fixed.

6) would be nice if the registered version of textcralwer made the registration record available system-wide. I mean, when I copy the registered tc.exe into multiple folders, I have to re-register one by one again. Would be nice that when I once register any copy, the next instances (when opening) somewhere found that I have alraedy registered pro version in my windows.

7) for example, when i copy multi-line content and paste it in "Notepad++" search field, then even multi-line text is pasted into "search" field (the new liens and tabs etc.. are also pasted, but converted into "inline" content). However, when you search for it, it can find the same multi-line context. It could be nice if your Textcralwer supported that too. now, when i copy and try to paste multi-line text into Search field, the only first line is pasted there..
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Re: Some suggestions

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Thanks for the suggestions!

I agree TextCrawler free needs an update. Have been busy getting Duplicate Cleaner 5 out of the door but will try and get some time to update and promote TC.
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