Find & replace string in single specific file, repeat through list of files

Tool for Search and Replace across multiple files.
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Find & replace string in single specific file, repeat through list of files

Post by dan00500 »

I have a list of files that each have a single string that needs replacing. But, the string changes for each file. Confusing? Read on...

Think of a spreadsheet list that has three columns. The first column is the filename. The second column is the search string to find inside of that file. The third column is the replacement text string that is intended for the search string (col 2) inside of that file (col 1). My list currently has 30K rows to process.

At first, I was drawn to the Batch processing functionality of TextCrawler Pro, but haven't seen any mention that touches on this concept I described above. Perhaps the functionality is called something that I'm not aware of and I need to read different pages in the documentation. Whatever the case, I'm hoping to learn that the above process is possible and how to do it in TextCrawler. Or, feel free to point me to a different app or tool that can help me take my input list and execute the find-n-replace operation at high scale.
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Re: Find & replace string in single specific file, repeat through list of files

Post by DigitalVolcano »

TextCrawler can't do this currently using the batch processor. While it can import lists of find/replace pairs into the batch processor, it doesn't support corresponding input/out files (only one file or one or more folders per batch).
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