Simplified Multi-Line Replace [Replace/Remove Multiple unique Lines from Hosts File]

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Simplified Multi-Line Replace [Replace/Remove Multiple unique Lines from Hosts File]

Post by usaer101 »

I have a hosts file that is over run with too many entries most of which I don’t want and some which I do. I have another hosts files containing only those hosts I don’t want, in the exact same format. How can I take the list of hosts I don’t want, and multi-line remove/replace them with nothing in my original hosts file?

I have tried all the major software out there, but all of them use the multi line as one contiguous line, instead of each independent line as an independent entry. Or line by line search.

I have 17 thousand unique lines in alpha-numerically descending order I want to remove from the text, and maybe 150 I want to keep. A simple option selection box to treat each new line in the multi-line find dialogue as an individual search/replace expression would fit the bill and save users massive headaches the world around... something like this, without having to add any extra expressions or anything.

Is there any way to do this? Or another way to do this?
Last edited by usaer101 on Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simplified Multi-Line Replace [Replace/Remove Multiple unique Lines from Hosts File]

Post by usaer101 »

see I can search for one line, and replace that no problem. but in the same box, i can't just as easily insert a multi-line of the entire hosts lists and replace it. should be simple imo.
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Re: Simplified Multi-Line Replace [Replace/Remove Multiple unique Lines from Hosts File]

Post by usaer101 »

I found an answer here, which should work with any text program with regex support, and added a feature req for notepad++ to github to automate this process: ... ostsfile/4 ... ssues/4856
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Re: Simplified Multi-Line Replace [Replace/Remove Multiple unique Lines from Hosts File]

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Have you tried the batch processor function in TextCrawler? You can import lists of find/replace pairs into it from a text file. ... =&sct=MjM4