Is this Automatable?

Tool for Search and Replace across multiple files.
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Is this Automatable?

Post by Preston »

I originally bought your software in order to search multiple text files to find strings of characters. Basically, whenever we get an inquiry from our website, I compare the IP against the pages in the server logfile (access_log) that they looked at. So far, this works perfectly.

However, I have 350 of these to do and the log files are broken down by month. Is there a way to get your software to take a list of IP addresses and in turn extract the lines (from across the multiple month file archives) and put those lines in separate files for each IP address?
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Re: Is this Automatable?

Post by DigitalVolcano »

The command line processor doesn't currently support Extract, just find and replace. Otherwise you could call each ip from a line in a batch file (.BAT), and route it to the program.
I'll add this as a feature request!

command line switches ... __pro_.htm
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